Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dumb Whites. Smart Black.

If blacks are always always ALWAYS portrayed as the innocent benefactor, the sage imparter of wisdom and goodness in the world, wouldn't you assume (since no one is really perfect) that there must be some kind of serious overcompensation at play?

Are blacks really that bad that, in order to counterbalance the reality, they need to be fictionalized and cartoonized into some kind of vision of infinite perfection?

For an insightful podcast on this matter, please hop on over to Follow the White Rabbit EPISODE 15 where Horus tells us all about "Negative Conditioning."

Especially relevant: the 13 minute, 52 second mark; also check out the 32 minute, 30 second mark.


  1. You do have to admit: it's worked. How many Whites do you think find this sort of thing objectionable? How many would view this and say "What's the big deal? What are you, a racist?"


  2. Anon:

    Agreed. Unlike other races, whites are not naturally racially aware. They have to be "awakened" to race consciousness.

  3. It is TRUE that the conditioning is working.

    Here in New Orleans I often see more mixed race couples with babies than normal couples.

    Though it is a highly unnatural thing, the parents of these mulatto babies (almost always black male, white female) instead of thinking like we do, think instead that what they are doing is not only right, it is superior.

    What is sad is that they do not realize that they were conditioned by sinister and unnatural forces to think this way. It's like the joke is on them, they have been moulded by the puppet masters, but they will never know.

    Sincerely, (soon to be just DOT com, if somebody could tell me how to do it).

  4. It's like the joke is on them, they have been moulded by the puppet masters, but they will never know.

    Thats the stark beauty of so much the elite agenda. They steer the discourse in the direction they want.

    The Man wants mass immigration, deluded white hipsters are conditioned to believe that colluding in mass immigration is sticking it to The Man.

    The Man wants lots of mixed race babies, white hipsters are encouraged to think having mixed race babies is somehow sticking it to The Man.

    Etc etc

  5. "The Man wants lots of mixed race babies, white hipsters are encouraged to think having mixed race babies is somehow sticking it to The Man."

    This is true. Mainly because The Man has changed in the last 50 years in the U.S.

    Between 300 years ago and 50 years ago, "The Man" in the US was a collection of White Anglo Elites. Back then, sleeping with a negro would indeed be sticking it to the man (if you were Anglo.)

    But now "The Man" is half Anglo and half Jewish. These people WANT you to interbreed to keep down competition and erase nationalistic sentiment.

    Gates/Bloomberg or Windsor/Rothschild. All you are doing by interbreeding is helping this New World Order Anglo-Juden nexus.

  6. The Man wants mass immigration, deluded white hipsters are conditioned to believe that colluding in mass immigration is sticking it to The Man.

    The Man wants lots of mixed race babies, white hipsters are encouraged to think having mixed race babies is somehow sticking it to The Man.

    Damn, this is so true, very well put.

    I know these types too well. In this country, we always hear educated whites, supposedly the cream of our crop, rail against multinational corporations, consumerism and globalization.

    But then in the next breath they turn around and support big business importing cheap illegal labor and support this bullshit global "multicultural" future where everyone is mixed into the same shade of brown and listening to the same brown hip hop and drinking the same brown caffeinated drinks.

    Truly independent, free thought today exists only on the race-aware right. That's why they make it taboo and almost illegal to think those thoughts.
