Thursday, March 24, 2011

Incompletely Lovely

"She is the cutest little white genocidalist I have yet seen, which makes her case extra sad."

I don't mean to pick on this person too much; she seems like your typical, "nice" girl who just wants people to like her. That's fine. But I think her video portrays a very commonplace Anti-White bias. And since Youtube is part of the new media, it follows that we need to address her rant here on

She is complaining about a recent white-pride rally in Calgary, and you can hear in her voice her condescending disdain for whites who would dare to assemble to raise awareness about issues related to being white.

Though she seems reasonably intelligent, her worldview is largely formed by the television. Thus she imagines that people with white pride are like cartoon or
Hollywood Nazis, without feelings or families, who can just get run over by speeding cars to laughing and applauding studio audiences.

She depicts an irreconcilable gulf between the racial self-awareness of minorities and that of the majority of whites. But her problem isn't really with majorities as such. I mean, people like her wouldn't have a problem with blacks in South Africa holding a rally, even though blacks are a majority in South Africa. I don't see her making videos mocking the rallies of Jews in Jerusalem, even though Jews are the ruling majority in Jerusalem. I don't see her mocking Turks when they rally in Turkey, nor any other majority group for promoting their own ethnic interests. She only has a problem when white people do so. She thinks that:

"There is a huge difference between a celebration of Latin culture or a celebration of, you know, African culture and supporting, you know, your fellow immigrant or your fellow person with the same background--that way--versus when you're, you know, the majority."

Translation: "
--versus when you're, you know, WHITE."

You see, I think she thinks that when minorities assemble, it is always only done in order to peacefully "celebrate" their culture. She seems to have gone to a lot of cultural festivals in well-policed urban parks, where she could, you know, go to the Sri Lankan booth and get some Nag Champa and then hop on over to dance in a drum circle with a lot of shirtless and dreadlocked Jamaican Rastafarians. She might even loosen her Anti-White bias on such an afternoon in order to visit the Bavarian booth to sample some Hefeweizen.

But when people rally based on ethnic interests it is not always only to just share old recipes. Sometimes ethnic groups gather because they are motivated by a cause, a feeling of injustice. When the Black Panthers thought the white Duke Lacrosse team raped a black girl, they were out in force to "spread awareness" and "seek justice." And the mainstream media jumped at the opportunity to raise the banner on their behalf, to participate in their moral indignation and self-righteousness. Of course we all know that the Duke charges were phony and were later dropped, but at the time the story was all over the national news.

But when whites rallied in Knoxville, TN in order to "spread awareness" about the gruesome torture-rape-murder of Christopher Newsome and Channon Christian by a gang of blacks (and protest the complete blackout of this torture-rape-murder by the mainstream media), these whites were themselves counter-protested, called "white supremacists," even threatened with death.

So the right to gather and spread awareness is to be taken very seriously. This girl dismisses this right, mocks it when the awareness-spreaders are white. Maybe someday she will awake from her media-zombification, her consensus trance, and realize that all human beings should be allowed to promote their own interests--personal, sexual, racial--without being publically mocked or derided.

As it stands, she thinks only "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians - White countries for everybody."

She is the cutest little white genocidalist I have yet seen, which makes her case extra sad.


  1. Neoswabian, very nice writing. Hope it gets around. Also, glad to see you show up at the "workshop" over at bugs-land!

  2. I have dealt with dozens of people like her. Anti-whites who had absolutely no shame in telling me as a young boy that my own race was evil "oppressors" who did all sorts of terrible things. No shame in racially condemning my people.

    People who told my that my own race had no right to our own communities, organizations, or countries.

    Seriously, growing up in Canada as she did, I was hit with this stuff on a daily basis but rather than succumbing to it and embracing hatred of my own people, I fought through it and learned to love my own people.

  3. Yes. She thinks a rally of whites is automatically illegitimate, because whites are an illegitimate construct with illegitimate interests. This was why I conflated the "Duke Lacrosse" rally of the "Black Panthers" with the "Chris Newsome Channon Christian murders" rally hosted by White Nationalist Alex Linder: this shows that actually blacks' interests and blacks' rallies are sometimes totally illegitimate, and that sometimes whites have a real grievance. Whites cannot be dismissed simply because they are white.

  4. Also she is physically European she is mentally Jewish.

  5. "Also she is physically European she is mentally Jewish."

    i was thinking the same thing...

  6. She comes across as very narcissistic and vain, even in her voice.

  7. "Anti-whites who had absolutely no shame in telling me as a young boy that my own race was evil "oppressors""

    How is this untrue? And if not untrue, why should there be shame in telling the truth?

    "growing up in Canada"

    Let's ask the First Nations and the Inuit whether they were oppressed by the British and French colonists.

    Give them back the right to their own countries, then we'll talk.

    "she is physically European she is mentally Jewish"

    No, that's you lot. You talk about America and Canada and Australia the exact same way Jews talk about Israel. "It doesn't matter if we stole it, it's still ours!" Disgusting.

  8. No, that's you lot. You talk about America and Canada and Australia the exact same way Jews talk about Israel. "It doesn't matter if we stole it, it's still ours!" Disgusting.

    Well if its absolute morality you want, we'll leave those countries and all non-whites will leave Europe. Yes?

    But its not quite the same is. Its whites who have made Canada, US, Australia places non-white ingrates want to live in. If whites werent there there would be no issue, since millions of non-whites wouldnt go to those places.
