Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jewish-Owned Mystery-Meat Semi-White Instrument of Genocide, Lady Gaga, Claims White Men as Murderous Wife Beaters and Black Men as Saviours

I apologize for the recent delay, as Johnny is also employed, but luckily for him, to a White woman, and Johnny must work, as well.

Anyways, here is a fairly old video, but a very disturbing one, enough so that it makes young men like me scream for retaliation. Lady Gaga is seen being raped by a blue eyed male, disfigured and disabled through White violence, and therein finds her salvation in black men in black power suits, who strip her and coddle her, in her weakness. The White men in the video appear either as shady, greasy wife-beaters, or as bisexual, effeminate gang-bang enthusiasts, rubbing on Gaga as well as each other on a couch crafted in the finest of Western tradition.

A further discussion of the material can be found at VNN, which also discusses the GAP commercial which I posted earlier.

Keep it White, my brothers and sisters, for the war is growing in intensity.


  1. OK So as we see this " Lady Gaga is seen being raped by a blue eyed male, disfigured and disabled through White violence, and there in finds her salvation in black men in black power suits"

    Lets just say we reshoot this video as :
    "Lady Gaga is seen being raped by a BLACK eyed male, disfigured and disabled through BLACK violence, and therein finds her salvation in WHITE men in WHITE power suits."

    I could say if this every happen there would be riots in the streets and racist calls would be all over the news.



    Still think that only whites are victims of Jewish media?
